By Alice - 01/08/2009 08:15 - United States

Today, I was wearing a skirt, and running towards a closing elevator, making it just in time. As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor. There were 6 other people in the elevator. I picked it up before I realized I had nowhere to put it, so I held it. For 18 floors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 473
You deserved it 10 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... What the ****? How would that even happen? Are you just wearing really tiny underwear?

fo real, im not a girl, but I think u were doing something wrong!


I'm gonna have to say fake. Your undies hold it in place even if the sticky part has become unsticky :/

scorpiella 4

Its called wings. Your undies must have been baggy as hell for the pad to make its way out.

1 word: tampons 45, I totally agree haha

grimmelok 0

Don't care what anyone says, pads are ******* disgusting. When I discovered them when I got older, it was like a godsend. It's nice to not feel the slippery, icky wetness of a blood-stained piece of cloth against your cooch.

monnanon 13

i think the same thing about tampons, everyone is different.

i agree i don't see how people can say tampons are disgusting when wearing a pad is just like having a bloody cloth between your crotch. Ugh. Btw OP - major FAIL.

ew you nasty bitch, some people need to figure out when to wear pads and when to wear tampons

how did u stay on an elevator like tht? wouldnt the blood leak? wouldnt it soak through ur underwear??

THANK YOU!! i was just thinking that same thing. does it really take 100 and some comments for someone to mention this??

wouldnt the blood leak out eventually and people would see THAT??

Um, she's not naked. Sure it leaked on her underwear, it's not like she had her skirt pulled up for everyone to see - what are you talking about?

bambition7 0

ok even if the sticky came off i dont see how that could have happened unless your legs were spread apart this really is making me scratch my head and for 170 and 173 u r both obviously guys...idiot ones at that who know nothing about women

Well for one, 170 & 173 are the same person. I'm not sure what part of their comment indicates that they are not women. If you are bleeding and the pad that was soaking the blood up is now being held in your hands, blood is undoubtedly going to soak through your underwear.

No, it's not going to "soak", the most blood that would leak in that short amount of time is barely a smudge, nowhere near even half a drop, in fact OP probably didn't leak at all by the time she made it to the bathroom. She assumed they were male because they seem to think people would see the blood, as it if were going to drip on the floor or something.

ok, there are so many comments so this probably wont get read, but some of the first few comments say "pads arent that sticky. and if it's wingless and she's running it would probably fall out" seriously, what the hell do you other women use? toilet paper and call it a pad....? i use wingless pads all the time (also have run with them) and they are very sticky, don't roll up, and certainly don't fall out of my underwear. wow.

you go running in a skirt? Most of us women you are referring to use tampons which is why we keep suggesting OP join the club.