Call an exorcist

By mazz - 26/10/2021 04:59

Today, as usual, without fail, every time I wake up earlier than 10 AM, I vomit blood. No doctor can figure out why, and my parents think I'm lying, spoiled little princess who just wants to be lazy and sleep in every day. If I don’t wake up at 6 AM every day from now on, I’m grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 227
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobsanction 18

Wake up at 6am. Go to their bedroom. Vomit blood on them.


bobsanction 18

Wake up at 6am. Go to their bedroom. Vomit blood on them.

MAT1 7

I can understand their scepticism unfortunately. The idea that getting up before 10 AM causes you to vomit blood is pretty weird, especially if doctors don’t know the cause yet. I don’t think you’re lying but at the same time, I don’t blame your parents for thinking you are. Again, the idea that waking prior to 10 causes you to vomit blood is an oddly specific ailment.