Needy furbaby

By Trained and Conditioned - 24/10/2022 07:00 - United States

Today, my cat locked herself in the bathroom and screamed until she was let out, for what seems like the millionth time this week. It took me a while to realize she's doing it on purpose for attention. She is loved and cared for; I've never neglected her. Apparently, it's still not enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 751
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

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If it’s a possibility, put on some headphones and leave her in the bathroom for a while. Check every few minutes, then come rescue her when she’s quiet. If that’s not an option, either open the door and give her zero attention while she runs out or use a doorstopper to keep the door open so she can’t lock herself in.

Doorstopper seems like the best and simplest option.


If it’s a possibility, put on some headphones and leave her in the bathroom for a while. Check every few minutes, then come rescue her when she’s quiet. If that’s not an option, either open the door and give her zero attention while she runs out or use a doorstopper to keep the door open so she can’t lock herself in.

Doorstopper seems like the best and simplest option.

notthatbad 1

cats are idiots. my cat who I consider smart does this all the time. I use a door stopper at night or when I’m away, so she doesn’t do it when I’m not available to help