By Evil_Angel_90 - 10/09/2013 11:36 - Australia

Today, in order to try and get over my slight fear of swans, I went down to the local park to feed them. One decided that I looked tastier than the bread I was throwing and chased me around the feeding area while everybody laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 022
You deserved it 6 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you tried to overcome your fear. Don't listen to the people who laughed at you.

Swans have long necks, so they're very easy to strangle. They're also delicious when served over pasta.


At least you tried to overcome your fear. Don't listen to the people who laughed at you.

Little4Bear 10

Exactly OP, you tried :) you'll probably never even see those people again.

ViRepz 28

Everyone knows everyone in Australia!

alicexo_fml 8

Why would you try to face your fear of swans? You probably don't interact with them that often. I don't see how it would interfere with daily life and therefore be significant enough to be proactive about. You basically just went to the park to scare yourself.

chlorinegreen 27

Really 52? She went to scare herself? Maybe she lives by a lake where swans are frequent visitors, or maybe she just wanted to not be scared of something anymore. It's called facing your fears for a reason.

SwaggCapone 11

As bad as it sounds, I would've laughed myself. Watching a swan chase somebody has got to be funny

At least your sister didn't take advantage of your fear to get herself tickets.

I like the taste of humans over bread too!

AnOriginalName 19
AnOriginalName 19

Especially in Australia. Everything down there is trying to kill you!

AnOriginalName 19

Same to you, 76! I commented that I liked your profile pic on your comment up there ^ but it got deleted. FMC. (**** my comments.)

You all think koalas are cute and cuddly... Til you meet their twin species. Never go here. Drop bears long for the taste of tourists.

The_9th_Doctor 18

Booo. that was bad. I would have said the same.

So it was bad, but still you would've said it? Butthurt much?

Swans have long necks, so they're very easy to strangle. They're also delicious when served over pasta.

Yeah but they can break a grown man's arm with their wings. Also, have you taken a look at those beaks? Hint: not. nice.

MoronsAccount1 12

I'm assuming a swan has tried to attack your before, since it's a fear. It's okay though, OP. I heard swans were mean as hell, so why even bother? It's not an animal you have to associate with like a pet, so just do your best to stay away.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

They are mean as hell. ******* will chase you down. My grandma laughed her ass off at my brother and I running away from them when we were young. I learned just to grab them by the neck and give them a toss. They'll come back but if you hold your ground they'll eventually stop attacking. God damn swans..

chlorinegreen 27

Swans are freakin mean! I use to think geese were the ones to be scared of but even the geese are scared of swans. Not to mention that swans are HUGE!

I'm so scared of birds, when I was 6 a 20 lb Turkey knocked me down and jumped on top of me.......Asshole bird

Haha the turkey must've thought you looked like a dinner table!

I don't blame you, I was chased by a very angry mother turkey one time. I was out in my garden and saw what I thought was a bird on the ground. I got closer, next thing I know mama turkey is chasing me.

Pstraka6 20

It takes a lot of balls to stand up yo your fears, To be truthful if they ran at me I'd probably run away like a school girl too,, so don't knock yourself over about it! You'll be feed geese and large birds in no time