By chriss - 14/04/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, my mom scooped the litter box right before I went to work. I brown bagged my lunch this morning. She brown bagged the poop from the litter box. Both were on the counter. Guess which one I brought to work? FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 036
You deserved it 14 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put it in the fridge at your work. I hear people steal lunches all the time at some places.

Ewww O_o you didn't realize the smell at all?


Ewww O_o you didn't realize the smell at all?

haney66 0

I can see this as a commercial for odorless cat litter. w2g retard.

uhhhhhhhh yeah.....the disgusting smell wafting from your brown bag might have been your first clue tardddd

Uhh your lunch, you tell me which one

Eternity_fml 0

Sick. Hopefully you threw the bag out far, far away and told your coworkers you were gonna go grab something to eat outside. 0.o

colts609380 7

wait a sec. u live with ur mom and obviously your a grown man cause you go to work? so u can't be a teen with a part time job because u will probably eat the fast food for lunch there. u won't work somewhere u don't like rite? then that would mean wtf

I can't tell if 121 is sexist or just stupid..

Put it in the fridge at your work. I hear people steal lunches all the time at some places.

JM3140 0

I like the way you think... I would have personally given it straight to some desperate person but the fridge works too

not a true fml because you didn't eat it

So you got yourself a snack and not your full lunch.. damn!

dreadillusion 0

Obviousyly photoshopped. Look at the pixels in that text!

why would she putter that on the counter? and how old r u living with ur mom and u work?

I call fake. even odorless still has a certain stench. and the fact that you would have heard it if there was kitty litter in there. also that's pretty nasty of your mom to put that shit on your counter if this is tru.

kaitlyn3xo 0

people start working when they're like 16 did you not get a job till you were 25 or something