By notafatlump - 02/02/2011 05:07

Today, I was walking home from the gym. I was thinking about how proud of myself I was for losing 34 pounds when someone yelled from a car window, "Look at that fat lump!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 921
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't matter what others think. At least you're doing something about it. Keep up the woodwork.

crzyry 6

You lost 34 pounds, that is good for you. So why are you worried about some retard who doesn't even know you talking down to you. They said it from a car window so that shows they have no backbone. If I were you I'd keep working on you and develop a "kiss my ass" attitude to anyone who gets in your way. JMHO


DaveOnDope 4

KILL THEM, by losing the weight.

uh. wth does that mean? get a liposucktion then mail it to them with a bomb inside?

does the name say notafatlump?!? LOL. Good for u, OP.

34 lbs from 500lbs means you're still a fat piece of shit. Who cares what you eat, I eat what I want and I still have a bangin wife.

51 you also don't use a real display pic, opting to use a cartoon instead, which probably means you ain't that great yourself

my profile pic is me, I wouldn't expect a fire to understand.

KayleighRenee 0

there's so many freaking assholes in this world.

I think it's one per person, though I could be in the wrong...

69 - I know, right? It almost seems like there's one asshole for every person nowadays.

Who thinks you are a waste of space and is doing your neighbor

I kind of want to yell first just so the mods will make up a cool story for me :)

It doesn't matter what others think. At least you're doing something about it. Keep up the woodwork.

hahaha clearly I meant to say "good work."

therealdavid 0

Agreed number 3. One of my favorite sayings is: "What others think of you isn't any of your business, all that matters is what you think of yourself"

disagree it becomes societies business when ppl become disgusting

no, keep up the woodwork! Sculpt your way to a new you!

but she didn't become disgusting she was preventing it

58 - well, first off, you're wrong and also an idiot. Second, seeing as you are clearly so offended by overweight people, why exactly would you choose to ruin the confidence they gain from actually losing said weight, thus making them infinitely more likely to just say 'screw it' and give up? I know plenty of people who want to exersice but don't because they don't want other people looking at them while they do it. Retards like you are why that is so. I've never had such issues - I've always had a slow metabolism, causing me to put a bit of weight on during high school. Exersice and healthy eating took care of that but during the course of this some people would go out of their way to laugh at me. Thankfully the opinions of idiots never mattered to me and 10 years later I asbolutely love running into the little retards who back then were all slim due to the normal fast metabolism of the young, only to see them fat and out of shape by their mid 20's.

agree. keep doin you and forget everyone else

Yeah, it's still really embarrassing though.

takeapieandrun 9

Take it as motivation to lose even more weight.

davey96 0

Or you could watch the biggest loser and feel good about yourself!

crzyry 6

You lost 34 pounds, that is good for you. So why are you worried about some retard who doesn't even know you talking down to you. They said it from a car window so that shows they have no backbone. If I were you I'd keep working on you and develop a "kiss my ass" attitude to anyone who gets in your way. JMHO

That reminds me of the movie "Sorority Boys" . That movie is funny haha but in any case, just keep at it you know you've lost weight and you're gonna look smokin hot soon ;)

Meh, everybody in this country is obssessed with being thin. Anyone who is over 92 pounds is considered to be morbidly obese. Don't take what some spineless, drive-by wanker said seriously. Be proud of your accomplishment.

yeah if this was Utah- you'd probably get shot on the spot. crazy foreigners

wolfshadow 4

I must be MOREbidly obese then cause I'm 110

losing 34 pounds is an awesome achievement and no matter what people say I think you should be damn proud of it, I cant believe people would really say those kind of things... it's so insensitive

Exactly! When I go the gym with friends sometimes they will make comments about people there saying things like wow they should not be here in that outfit looking like that and I just tell them to shutup because at least they are taking the initiative to go to the gym! They don't go there for people to judge them.