By Lisa - 28/10/2018 22:00

Today, I was turned down for a job because they thought I lied about having a six-month internship. Why? The secretary I told off for stealing my lunch every single day told them she hadn't heard of me, and the new company won't listen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 593
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yea.. that sounds like defamation/slander and you can actually sue her if her actions actually cost you a job; might even get her fired as a result since her actions then reflect badly on the company as a whole. Sounds like the karma she deserves.

The buck doesn't stop with the secretary. If she's feigning ignorance of you as a vendetta, the other company should ask to speak to your former boss, to clarify that they too haven't heard of you.


The buck doesn't stop with the secretary. If she's feigning ignorance of you as a vendetta, the other company should ask to speak to your former boss, to clarify that they too haven't heard of you.

The secretary is the gatekeeper to the company. If the secretary won't put them through to the boss, they can't ask them. This sort of shit is lawsuit-worthy, though. You should get in contact with your internship company's HR and let them know what the secretary did. They will help you out and at least ensure that it won't happen again.

PenguinPal3017 19

You should sue her. She stole your lunch repeatedly, which is horrible, but now her lies are impacting your career. You have a slam dunk case.

Deez_Knots 10

There has to be proof that you were an intern there. Everything is documented these days and wtf is a secretary doing talking to the other employer. That’s not her place

Op used the secretary as a reference and to show their previous employment. Therefore it is the place of the secretary’s place to talk to other employer.

whiskey'swino 15

Yeahhh...totally not legal for her to do that.

Yea.. that sounds like defamation/slander and you can actually sue her if her actions actually cost you a job; might even get her fired as a result since her actions then reflect badly on the company as a whole. Sounds like the karma she deserves.

OP should demand the company explain its employee’s illegal actions, in writing, to the new company and remove the involved employee. If the company refuses either step, sue them too.

PenguinPal3017 19

Yes, the prime reason for this is the company has much deeper pockets. If they don't do anything they're complicit.

Shouldn’t the company be calling a referee instead of just talking to a secretary?

Never burn bridges with anyone you work with, no matter how insignificant they may seem to your career. People are petty. It sounds from the wording you waited until your way out to say anything to her. That makes petty people devious.

writergirl1029 17

They should be calling HR, not the secretary. Not a company you want to work for anyway.

tounces7 27

There are reasons that employers are so extremely careful about what they say during reference checks. Clearly she didn't learn them. She's setting up both herself and her company for a massive lawsuit. I can only assume she's planning to quit, otherwise she wouldn't possibly be this stupid.

That's why you get a piece of paper with the company's stamp and a manager's signature including their direct contact details instead of forcing someone to go through some gatekeeper you wronged.