By pooh anne - 26/02/2013 20:26 - United States - Fort Smith

Today, I was trying to be sexy and change in front of my boyfriend. As I was changing, he started to talk to me about how we should both try and lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 067
You deserved it 7 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't say it was just you, he said both of you.


vadaaa 11

Lets slap an irrelevant comment on this FMLS and hope a bunch of people thumbs it up. Now is your time to shine!

YDI . Get on a diet and a treadmil., Being fat isn't just unattractive, its unhealthy

Next time try dimming the lights a bit. It may hide a few flaws. Damn you guys, that always want the lights bright in order to see everything!!!:P

Candles. Light some candles. Then "change"...

Since started dating my boyfriend, I've gained about 30 pounds, while he looks slimmer everyday. My theory is that he surgically implants his fat into my body while I sleep. Men are so sneaky, OP. Keep on eye on that fella of yours.

I'm sneaky? And here I was thinking that I was just blundering around in the dark.

Start by working out on top of him! Hey, at least he wants to do it with you as a couple. Lots of guys do care about their appearances. Try touching a guy's bicep and see if he'll automatically flex it! I already tested it! 10 to10 so far! :P

That's not the only thing we automatically flex when you touch it.

I'll let another girl test that theory.

Sweaty sex, lots & lots of sweaty sex. ;)

Apparently being on top works the core. Work it girl! ;)

Ouch. That sucks to hear OP. but I'm thinking that, considering the fact that he included himself , that he may be thinking of it as a health thing. Sometimes boys say things and they don't really mean it to be offensive, it just comes out the wrong way.

Agree with 65. Have lots and lots of vigorous sex. ;)

spliit_fml 8

He said both you of you so he's not just calling you fat but himself too I see nothing wrong here. If you don't want to hear things like that don't change in front of him!