By pooh anne - 26/02/2013 20:26 - United States - Fort Smith

Today, I was trying to be sexy and change in front of my boyfriend. As I was changing, he started to talk to me about how we should both try and lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 067
You deserved it 7 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he didn't say it was just you, he said both of you.


At least he cares enough to help you improve your lifestyle and his as well. Me and my boyfriend have a pact if one of us gets fat we tell the other and help them lose the weight. Could be worse op

Maybe he just wants a workout buddy. I don't think that he was being insensitive or rude. He said you both should try. It's better to be with someone who wants to be healthy, than someone who is lazy and will bring you down with him.

its never fun getting a comment like that, but you should work out a couple of times a week regardless. It's very healthy both physically and mentally, you will feel alot better about yourself by getting more energy. It'll be great for your sexlife too ;)

Satoaoi 13
SelenaMilkshake 17