By Ribbed for Her Disaster - 04/04/2013 16:04 - United Kingdom - Orpington

Today, I was trying out my first vibrator. Soon enough, my 12-year-old sister opened my door, walked in, and saw me naked from the waist down. She laughed, called me a virgin, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 426
You deserved it 19 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Virgins nowadays are like unicorns. There are none.

I'm pretty sure that's why locks were invented.


NickaPLZ 26

Ouch. Bad first time with that...

:U You should have locked your door, or if you don't have a lock, done it in the bathroom.

Shorty777 4

Why would you do that without locking the door?? You deserve it.

Pyro_Wolf 17

What if the door didn't have a lock?

If the door didn't have a lock then she had no business masturbating in that room in the first place. The YDI stands.

monnanon 13

if its her own room then she has every right she just needs to pick her time better.

What if none of the doors in her house have a lock? Should she just spend all her time sexually frustrated? I mean one can say wait until night but even then it's not a guarentee someone won't walk in. She could wait till she's home alone but maybe she's never home alone. I had 3 1/2yrs likethat

Maybe you should've locked the door. Pesky family members, you know.

Locked doors aside, I think this is more of an FML for your sister if she's already lost her virginity at 12. I mean... that's just sad.

sourgirl101 28

You make a great point. Kids are starting younger and younger. Looking back I was way too young myself. I was just lucky not to have been an unprepared teen mom.

It takes a willing person to wait until the right time. Too many people tie sexual status to social status.

Exactly. I'm probably one of the few in my family who has sworn to never have sex until they are married. My cousin, grandma, and mom all had their first kids when they were high school seniors... Well, between junior and senior year for my cousin.

she probably thinks that kissing means she's not a virgin anymore Lol

Losing your virginity is kinda a big deal. I didn't realize that until after, good thing he was good guy and husband material.

Just start hanging a sock on your door knob. I'm pretty sure thats like, the international symbol for.... Well you know.

Is she not a virgin to say something about you masturbating.. If not, I'm wondering where the parents were, that she's able to go have sex..

she's prepubescent, who cares what she says

perdix 29

Big sisters can be so mean!

patacus 14

perdix can be down voeted? no way! on a side note... the fact that she's 12 and using the word virgin as if it. were a negative word implies that your sisters a ho.

fugger973 5

Im guessing that the reason perdix is being downvoted is because he said BIG sisters, and OP is talking about her little sister.

patacus 14

although its obvious op meant younger, she simply said 12. which by its self does not imply op's age. the original comment obviously had smart ass, and slighty perverted intentions. so I say, well done.