By Stigmamma - 27/11/2016 08:54

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to be responsible and put parental controls on the Playstation so our kids can't play adult games or watch adult content online. And now, neither can we. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 236
You deserved it 5 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't you place a password only you can remember? Or did you do that, and did you forget it?

Is PlayStation **** part of your routine sex life or something?


Can't you place a password only you can remember? Or did you do that, and did you forget it?

Is PlayStation **** part of your routine sex life or something?

I should hope so. Sex is universally improved via the addition of Crash Bandicoot.

Create a new username? And have that account access anything.

JMichael 25

I'm pretty sure you can put in a password that only you know. Or just monitor what your children play and watch.

M3DO 24

You can put a sub account for your children

They would have to make a sub account for themselves, not the children. I kinda doubt kids are going to bother switching profiles every time they turn it on.

How old are your kids? If they're not teens that's fine, but if they are teens don't be those parents that don't let them play M games

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Well, not figuring out the password system before doing a full lockout was just silly of you. But good on you for trying to be proactive with your kids' entertainment. Too many parents bitch about mature video games being made, when the real problem is that they'll buy their kids any damn game without bothering to check the rating.

Why don't you guys get married. or at least call him your Husband

Do neither of you have a TV or a laptop? Besides, if you don't want them playing adult games, don't let them have the discs. As simple as that. If they don't have access to the aforementioned games, then there's no need for parental controls.

Many games these days are downloadable directly on the system and don't require the disc to play.

Wizardo 33

Make your first user the parent account and then make a secondary account for your kids with parental controls. You can always go to the PlayStation forums and FAQs to sort this out.