
By Jesusman - 08/12/2018 14:00

Today, as I helped my boss set up catering at our café, she was stressing about having enough time for everything when the DJ chimed in with, "Why don't you ask him to help?" It got awkwardly quiet as they looked at me and he realized I was a girl. Then he tried saying, "By him, I mean Jesus." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 861
You deserved it 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doomsdayaddams 6

I gotta say, that’s one of the most creative saves I’ve ever heard.

I am a female with short hair, and I don’t dress very feminine most of the time. I’ve been mistaken for a male many times. I am not offended, because it’s my choice to have short hair and dress the way I do. It’s more uncomfortable for the people making the mistake. (Though long hair on guys is becoming more common, now, so I’m not sure growing my hair out would help. Lol) My point is, for me, it’s not an FML.


You should shave your beard off so you don’t look like the Prince of Peace.

I am a female with short hair, and I don’t dress very feminine most of the time. I’ve been mistaken for a male many times. I am not offended, because it’s my choice to have short hair and dress the way I do. It’s more uncomfortable for the people making the mistake. (Though long hair on guys is becoming more common, now, so I’m not sure growing my hair out would help. Lol) My point is, for me, it’s not an FML.

doomsdayaddams 6

I gotta say, that’s one of the most creative saves I’ve ever heard.