By nosebleeder - 13/02/2013 20:31 - Sweden

Today, I was terribly late for class, so I rushed to the classroom door, thinking it was unlocked. I smacked face-first into the glass, and awkwardly fell to the floor. Once I got back up, I peeked through the glass, only to realise it wasn't even my class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 636
You deserved it 8 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you have doorhandles where you live? Also wouldn't storming into the classroom bring even more attention to your lateness? I thought it's common practice to run to classs but a few meters before you reach the room you slow down and silently sneak in...

Good thing it wasn't your class so you don't have to awkwardly go inside while everyone stares at you


I'm laughing pretty hard at your fail because I've been there before.

Satoaoi 13

good for you to actually want to rushh to class. alot if people don't care to rush when late and sine even take there merry ol time just to miss it entirely

Men det var kul! Från en av dem som tittade ut... ;-)

Lol that sucks!!! I would just go home and start over tomorrow!!

I think your ninja skills are a little rusty. I would book yourself up for some extra classes :p

you know.... i think i might just want to pay to have see that

You are lucky it wasn't your class. All that embarrassment you just faced would have been so much worse if you had to step into class afterwards and make your way to a seat.

The door knocked some sense into ya. I agree that sucks.