Mystery woman

By Nathalie - 30/11/2020 23:04

Today, I went to surprise my boyfriend at his job. When I saw he wasn't there, I asked a co-worker, who told me his "sister" came by earlier. He's an only child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 065
You deserved it 69

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you mean EX-boyfriend! You don't want to be with someone who is so ashamed of their siblings that they deny their existence. And don't surprise anyone at work -- you'll just be fodder for workplace gossip.

tounces7 27

Could be innocent. Maybe it's a sister he never told you about. Or it could be even worse. Maybe he never told you about his sister is because he's sleeping with her.


I hope you mean EX-boyfriend! You don't want to be with someone who is so ashamed of their siblings that they deny their existence. And don't surprise anyone at work -- you'll just be fodder for workplace gossip.

tounces7 27

Could be innocent. Maybe it's a sister he never told you about. Or it could be even worse. Maybe he never told you about his sister is because he's sleeping with her.

this is a cliché from old jokes. I didn't expect it to happen in real life.