By workaholic - 17/11/2010 07:34

Today, I was talking to my manager about a movie. She asked what main actors were in it, but the only one I could remember was Forest Whitaker. I told her then immediately blurted out "You know, the one with the freaky lazy eye." My manager has a lazy eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 283
You deserved it 33 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His eye isn't really lazy. He's just secretly checking you out with one eye.


fullmetalshrimp 0

That was definitely a time to be completely embarrassed, BUT, if you played it off as it was no big deal then maybe your boss would just let it slide as a mistake. After all, no one likes attention brought on to their...misfortunes?

sniperkitten 0

Say you never noticed your manager had one because you're un-observant.

People can have lazy eyes that look exactly the same as the other one mine is! :)

eytanrodin 0

They fixed it. The first one said manger when they first posted it.