By Michelle - 01/09/2010 08:27 - Netherlands

Today, I went to pay my grandma a visit. She called the cops because she didn't recognize me and thought I was a robber. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 992
You deserved it 3 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how the **** did he deserve this?! there must be some trolls and dumbasses on this site

FYLDeep 25

It shouldn't be too hard to explain your way out of. Provided you hadn't knocked her out, tied her up, and stole some shot quick before the cops arrived.


REPEAT! lately all stories have been similar to those before. -Ł

Alkzheimer's much? (sorry I don't spell strangely spelled names well)

iTaylor 0

you should visit your grandma more often.

mshoes12346 3

maybe next time you won't just barge in to grandmas' and go straight to the cookie jar.

Peacemaker9 7

I agree with 14 completely.... but that's funny as hell I could see my aunt doing that but not grandma.

Until pretty late in the disease alzheimers patients generally recognize people they know even if they don't remember names. Try visiting your grandmother if you care about her.

megamandude455 10

"pay grandma a visit" as in you hardly visit her right op?

It all depends on how you approached the visit. Did you jist let yourself in and start raiding the fridge and watching tv? Or did you ring the doorbell, greet your grandmother properly, give her s hug and say, "Hey, grandma! I'm not a robber!" ?

bleigh 0

this one has already been done.. you fail.

don't sweat it bro. old people will be old people. nothin' u can do. sadly

because he doesn't ever see his grandparents...

jay4who7 0

ydi for trying to rob ur grandmother :D

paid2think 0

That's your fault for looking like a robber.

Well.. if you will keep "borrowing" money from her purse while her back is turned. Just remember, old people may not live longer than you but they can hold a grudge longer than you.

Ydi for not seeing your grandma more often ass hole.

Sun_Kissed18 25

It could be be a disease or something. She could have visited her grandma everyday and that wouldn't matter

Prodigy7 4

Well, if it was because of a disease, it wouldn't make much of an FML, would it?

how the **** did he deserve this?! there must be some trolls and dumbasses on this site

ydi, visit your grandma more often! if she hasn't seen you in so long she doesn't recognize you, than you are a bad grandchild!

i mean maybe HER gramma has alzheimers. alotta old ppl hav it...

FYLDeep 25

It shouldn't be too hard to explain your way out of. Provided you hadn't knocked her out, tied her up, and stole some shot quick before the cops arrived.

FYLDeep 25

iPod must autocorrect shit. Very crafty Jobs. Very crafty.

debiess get burned by the sun much? gilf anyone?

^Hey At least I got some color! And NO I don't get sun burned much! I am a tanned skin girl so what!? :P

Alesana_Love 0

YDI for trying hang out with old people