Caught in 4K

By Safe - 17/04/2009 23:15 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left her phone on a bus. With no way to pick it up, I drove 40 miles through Friday night Boston traffic to get it from the bus company office. It took me four hours. Bored in traffic, I discovered the texts from her other boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 730
You deserved it 5 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you found out about it and can now dump the bitch.

oreomaple123 0

Wow that sucks.. I would texted back the guy and said Hey turns out I'm cheating on you and not tell her that...That would show her..


At least you found out about it and can now dump the bitch.

Hopefully Op's gf wasn't meeting up with one if the other boyfriends while OP got the phone...

oreomaple123 0

Wow that sucks.. I would texted back the guy and said Hey turns out I'm cheating on you and not tell her that...That would show her..

maybe the other guy already know she was double shipping. but yeah I would get evil n have some fun before making the bitch come clean

FYLyo 0

wow FYL. waste of gas, waste of time, sounds like your gf is a waste of space. better luck next time, keep your head up :).

you should have thrown her phone into traffic

not quite the reward you were looking for for being a hero, was it

Txt him saying she is kind of bored and wants to try new things. Like anal and threesomes.

She sucks, but being "bored in traffic" is no excuse for snooping. Still, FYL.

YES! Text HIM :D then destroy the phone saying there was a mix up... :]

Loe_307 0

Keep the phone, run HER over. No seriously, don't do that. Txting the other guy might be fun though. Txt him saying she (pretending to be her) has some nasty std's or something. Go buck wild with it.