By grampsisgay - 18/04/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, I was taking my boyfriend to the mall. In the parking lot I pointed out an old man in a vibrant pink sweater who was leaving by saying "He is so gay." My boyfriend got out of the car and walked towards the man calling "Hey Papaw!" It was his grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 256
You deserved it 80 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you not get the memo that pink is the new blue for straight men?


_7_Anonymous_7_ 0

I'm straight and pink is my favorite color. When I wear pink or see other guys wearing pink i just feel like it says "I am unafraid of being judged by close-minded people who conform to society's stereotypes" I don't just wear it to make a point though, it looks sexy as hell.

betterthanthou 0

I'm glad this happened. Men should never under any circumstances wear pink. I am closed minded, I know. The more morons try to protest my closed mindedness, the more close minded I will become. Either way, I win and you lose.

foolish homophobe why cant men wear pink?

you should be bitchslapped, one, for making fun of old people, and two for making fun of gay people.

lalosaa 0

hahahh aww! you definitely deserve that one. i agree with #77. and your boyfriends so cute... papaw? i am going to call my nonno that from now on.

LOL, that sucks. I agree though, I can't see a man in a pink shirt without thinking how gay it looks. Not like there's some big problem with him being gay, it's just... yeah. So nothing wrong with you pointing out what should be obvious. Just awkward that it turned out to be his grandpa!

hahahahahaha i think you're suffering from Footinmouth disease

thelonelylurker 0

Not FML. Not unless he withdraws the huge inheritance he was leaving you and have convince all your family to do the same...

that's so ******* funny i actually laughed out loud at that