By Anonymous - 27/08/2014 21:56 - United States - Hermiston

Today, my brother thought jumping out and punching me in the stomach would cure my hiccups. Yeah. Didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 431
You deserved it 3 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that man. It sounds like a gut wrenching situation

Should hit him back. You know, "preventive measures" so he doesn't even get the hiccups.


Sorry to hear that man. It sounds like a gut wrenching situation

SarahSehhati 40

That makes you sick to your stomach! !!

jojimugo 20

Op had no guts to hit him back

At least he tried? You just couldn't stomach it OP..

That is ABSolutely dreadful. Sorry to hear that OP. know the feeling...

I hate the hiccups. Just drink a glass of water maybe?

SexyMexi21 23

Haha funny shit. it'd stop anyways

Should hit him back. You know, "preventive measures" so he doesn't even get the hiccups.

seprunner 12

You know what will cure that pain? Revenge.

How mean! That just makes me sick to my stomach.

REALAfroninga 11
PoisonOrchid 21

Works every time...unless you have hiccups apparently.

60% of the time, it works every time.

toxic_walrus 15

When I get the hiccups it feels like my chest is going to implode. Anyway he sounds like a dick. Sorry OP.

hmrhoades 18

I'm sure you've gotten rid of them by now, but... if you put your chin on your chest, hold your breath and swallow three times, they'll go away. I know it sounds crazy, but it always works for me.

salvorican 24

My trick is to hold my nose and drink water. Works like magic.

I drink water upside down! Works every time!

Schizomaniac 24

I spin around in an ovoid pattern while singing the Canadian national anthem and punching baby walruses in the face. Works every time.

omg, 36, me too! i thought i was the only one!! it totally works flawlessly