By drooooooool - 09/11/2010 17:17 - United States

Today, I was taking medicine for my sinus problems and trying to write an essay. I got most of the way done, then unexpectedly fell asleep on my keyboard. When I woke up, my face was wet. I drowned my laptop in my drool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 254
You deserved it 6 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did your essay end with `/s'ornnnnfjlbdndk`;lkrsgVDlm/smzxn, czcbxvnbn on and one for pages?

perdix 29

And your essay ran longer than "War & Peace," but the last 1200 pages are the letter 'f' where your nose came to rest.


anckaa55 6

I can't understand how people just fall asleep while on the computer. Aren't you standing straight, face up? You just mindlessly lay you head on the desk while working?