By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 18:25 - Singapore

Today, I took a nap because I've been sick for the past week and I was exhausted. When I woke up, my hair, shirt, pillow, and bedsheets were soaked. I threw up all over myself in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 749
You deserved it 3 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this when I was sick once. lucky you didn't choke to death.

That sucks, but you could've died if you didn't open your mouth when... it came out. You would've suffocated on your own vomit. So, embarrassing funeral dodged, right?


be greatful your alive , alotta people die in their sleep because of that!

LaFemmeQuiRit 3

My guess: #1 was originally a "first" comment, but was edited by the mods in a creatively funny way. *crosses fingers*

I'm so sick, Infected with where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, Selfishness I'm so sick I'm so sick


#9 yea i know some one that did its sad :(

the_flirtt 0

yeah so in guessing op had too much to drink ?

hobojo11 0

no wayvi put that same note on their forhead yesterday

Umm, no, probably has a stomach bug. I got something similar when I was on holiday a few years ago and was throwing up everywhere, everything I ate or drank came back up and I was even throwing up water. Luckily I lasted long enough to go to a doctor that gave me some tablets that dissolved in water (I was about 10) and tasted vile. I lived on gathered for 3 days after I got the tablets, and toast and rice was the only food I could keep down.

lucky... one time I was throwing up exactly once an hour, and throwing up nothing is worse than throwing up something cause you just keep heaving.

enormouselephant 15

Awe poor op! Hopefully you have someone taking care of you.

Um... at least you didn't choke on your own barf and DIE from throwing up in your sleep! idea

WTSchool 0

The OP deserved this because she's complaining when she could be in a worse situation like dying? Then you would pity her? What's wrong with your common sense?

mintcar 9

Omgoodness, that is SUCH a cute puppy

I know for sure that's how Chris Farley died. :(

shannybannyy123 4

wtf that's not how Chris farley died lol dumbass

WTSchool 0

Wouldn't you wake up? Ew. FYL. Sorry. :c

You do wake up.. and fall back asleep pretty quickly, most of the time you dont remember.

I've actually done this before, and it sucks!

I've done this when I was sick once. lucky you didn't choke to death.

she deserve it because she got creampied like a month ago... hmmm shudda stayed away from da pie. kmsl

ouch that sucks I had that happen to me when I was five the only thing I did differently is I fell back asleep to this day the smell of tacos still disgusts me haha

wwerulez14 6

May I ask what the smell of tacos has to do with your comment?

iliveinthesky_fml 0

obviously she ate tacos or her vomit smelled like tacos.