By LennyLemon - 25/08/2016 13:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, I was taking a shower in a hostel when the girl in the cubicle next to mine decided to blow her nose onto the shower floor. The water from her cubicle was flowing into mine and I ended up standing in a puddle of fresh watery snot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 009
You deserved it 1 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well the shower really is the best place for a farmer's blow but that's super gross that you had to stand in someone else's bodily fluids

I only read FML when I eat. Food tastes better the second time going down.


Should have told her to snot do that again

ApparentlyNotEno 28

It's a shame OP wasn't in a place with some water and soap so they could wash their feet right awa... wait, where did this happen again?

I think I vomited a little in my mouth. I really need to learn not to eat and FML at the same time.

I only read FML when I eat. Food tastes better the second time going down.

Well the shower really is the best place for a farmer's blow but that's super gross that you had to stand in someone else's bodily fluids

Yeah, not sure I'd be willing to take a shower in which somebody else's bodily fluid may or may not drift into my personal space, but that's just me.

I don't think one should ever go into a public shower without sandals on... Just in case

#11 - EXACTLY. The real FML is that OP did not realize this beforehand

How much mucus can someone possibly produce when they're blowing their nose? I agree that your life sucks, but a puddle of snot seems like a lot.

She was just making do with what was probably a non-detachable shower head, OP. Normally, she'd get her nostrils nice and soapy, tilt her head forward, and plug one nostril with a hole on the shower head. No blowing necessary and it creates a fantastic sanitary fountain!

andrmac 25

Should have peed on the floor for her!

Snot all that bad. It could've been worst by it landing on your face

well at least you got to clean it off right away.