By teflon_hammer - 25/05/2016 23:19 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I was taking a shower, facing away from the faucet, when I dropped the soap. When I bent over to pick up the soap, my sister flushed a toilet in the next room, causing hot water to scorch my anus. I got made my shower's bitch, FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 913
You deserved it 1 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

waffleminer25 12

"I got you—diagonally!" "Pretty sneaky, sis." It's not often the dialog from a Connect Four commercial could fit an FML. This is a momentous occasion.


Ouch. I know how that feels. That happened to my... area... as well. Same ideal. Feel better, OP.

waffleminer25 12

that sucks. maybe you can make a sign that tells everyone in the house someone is taking a shower so don't flush the toilet please

Nobody has time for that. I'm pretty sure anybody would know when somebody is in the shower anyway...

Ninjerman 7

How does reasonable advice get voted down?

Because #29, it isn't very reasonable to say that no one can go to the bathroom just because you're in the shower.

scoobysnarks 15

When was this house built? Most showerheads don't do this, and haven't for years.

That brings an all new meaning to don't drop the soap

Now, instead of "don't drop the soap [because something bad will happen to your anus]", it means… the same thing.

A Faucet is the movie star of the plumbing world.

Do you live in a house without sinks and bathtubs?

It's that thing you might otherwise refer to as a Tap.

A faucet is the device that controls the flow of substances, often water, from the pipes or container. It is attached to sinks, bathtubs etc, and is also known as a tap.

I got to '....bent over to pick it up' and thought this was going in a different direction! Sorry about your back end OP.

"I got you—diagonally!" "Pretty sneaky, sis." It's not often the dialog from a Connect Four commercial could fit an FML. This is a momentous occasion.

WD_Stevens 22

I didn't realise that joke from Scrubs was a reference to something else. The things you learn online, eh?

Also referenced in Family Guy. And yes, I think this FML and that commercial are soul mates. It's almost as though the writers were anticipating a future of sibling on sibling anal scorching issues.