By rmb131 - 20/03/2009 04:33 - Canada

Today, I went to the dentist. He asked me to lean my head closer to him so he could get a better look at my teeth. He was hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 943
You deserved it 6 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now just put your head back and relax.. you won't feel a thing.... unless you want to. ;-)


Mazzy_fml 0
stefan006 8

Je m’appelle ... I think he was trying to say his name is moody.

Now just put your head back and relax.. you won't feel a thing.... unless you want to. ;-)

suck him off that will take care of it and you will most likely get better care from the dentist

SimpleMinds_fml 7

One time I was at the dentist and this hot female dentist person was cleaning my teeth. .. She kept rubbing her ..yeah against the back of my head (and NO I'm not just some perv wanker, it was unmistakable, it's not something a dentist could accidentally do) I didn't mind because she wasn't bad looking haha

And what job would YOU choose, if you had a teeh fetish?

My_Little_Pony 0
my_usagi 0
Sakeyaki 0

The dentist says to relaaaaax.

blacklagoon_fml 0

Wow there was definitely one just like this posted from the dentists point of view. Are you 14 and female?