By fuckina - 29/11/2010 17:34 - United States

Today, I was speeding a little on the highway. I thought I saw a police car, so I slammed on my brakes, causing the person behind me to rear end me. The "police car" I saw was just a broken down car on the side of the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 894
You deserved it 49 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so dumb. why speed if you're afraid of cops. dumb dumb.


Iknoweverything 29

Dear OP... the cops can see if you slow down suddenly. They will issue a speeding ticket anyways, especially if you're dumb enough to slam on the brakes. Yes, the person behind you would get a ticket for driving too close, and being negligent (or she would have stopped too) but you would get a ticket for being reckless... causing the person behind you to hit you needlessly.

You ******* moron, if you see a cop: 1) Don't SLAM on your brakes! 1-a) At night, they can see your ******* brake lights come on. 1-b) During the day, look in your ******* mirror(s) to see if anyone is behind you. 1-c) Think about how your car works. 1-d) Pressing the brake pedal triggers your brake lamp to illuminate = they KNOW you're braking. 1-e) Pulling the handbrake does NOT trigger your brake lamp = no visual indication that you've tried to brake (if you really needed to brake in the first place.) 2) Assess the situation: 2-a) If you're going the same speed as everyone else, don't ******* worry about it! 2-b) Are you doing something stupid (other than speeding?) Don't ******* worry about it! 3) You deserved it: 4-a) Douche. 4-b) Nozzle. 4) Get off my lawn!

Was it really ******* necessary to ******* swear that ******* much? ****.

Wow, good job. Slamming on the brakes will TOTALLY take the attention away from you. Dumb ass. Plus, if you were only speeding a little, you didn't slam on your brakes anyway. This just proves exactly why women shouldn't drive. ^ | | | Relax, I'm just kidding on that last part.

YDI! you probably totally messed u the other persons car for no reason. I hope its you that have to pay for they're damages. Its people like you that makes me scared to drive. =(

rety1 13

if a cop saw you slam on your brakes for apparently no reason whether your speeding or not your getting pulled over dumbass... if you see a cop NEVER EVER EVER slam on your brakes or hit the brakes at all if you see a cop unless your making a turn or there's something In the road... if your going a few over the speed limit take your foot off the gas and downshift if you have to. or to solve it completely, do the speed limit...

Cops should honestly pull over dumbasses like OP that are causing the accidents. Speeders who can handle their car are a lot better on the road than the ones who can't, or the idiots who shouldn't be driving in the first place. Speeders don't cause the accidents, idiots who dont know how to drive do. Also, why the hell would you slam on your brakes? That's not conspicuous at all. If anything, OP should have taken their foot off the gas or lightly tapped the brake pedal.

Next time use your head and dont speed to the point where you need to slam on your breaks to drop your speed that low and that fast and ruin the car behind you. I only feel bad for the other driver.

steelerschika 1

did u really need to SLAM on the brakes? maybe just take your foot off the gas, hope you got cited.

you could have killed a motorcyclist with a response like that, dumbass learn how to drive before you get on the road!