By overlandparkmommie - 14/05/2009 21:09 - United States

Today, I was so totally stressed out at work that I took my car into the park and reclined my seat and shut my eyes. Soon I noticed the soothing sounds of raindrops on my car and I felt a little better for once. I opened my eyes to see that a bunch of birds had crapped all over my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 479
You deserved it 3 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha. Oh wow. At least it was on your car and not on you.

Cheatx 0

Next time bring a dart gun, shoot one down, and take a nice man size crap on it.


this happened to us when we went to my school's registration...our car was in the shop and we'd borrowed our neighbor's car...of course we parked it under the only pole in the whole parking lot that all the birds decided to sit on.

Icarus3 0

Wait, had it been a cloudy day? Did it look like it was going to rain? If yes, fyl. If not, that should have tipped you off.

WHOA...Wait a minute....your car must be completely covered in shit if it sounded like're either exaggerating...or you're a moron to confuse the two i right????

Good for you. You found the small silver lining to your dark cloud. If you're going to get shit on by birds, you can at least enjoy the sound.

The fact that you started it by saying you were "so totally" stressed out just makes this FML one of the worst I've ever read.

personthing 17

Well at least the rain might clear the bird poop if I understood your story correctly.