By birdbath - 08/11/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, I ran into a bird. Not with my car, with my face. It was so scared, it crapped all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 892
You deserved it 3 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Savvysass 0

Facial!! Don't feel too bad, some people pay big bucks at spas to have shit smooshed all over their faces.

Eww, lol. Those kinds of things don't happen too often XD


Savvysass 0

Facial!! Don't feel too bad, some people pay big bucks at spas to have shit smooshed all over their faces.

niwde 0

haha agree very rare this sort of things, wouldn't be able to stop laughing when I would see this in reality ;)

There's a "survival of the fittest" lesson in here, somewhere.

I do that all the time. It really works!

How do you know the bird was scared of you? Maybe it was just pissed off that you walked in to the flight path... and purposefully took a dump on you.

Tamuz 0

FAKE ! birds have no control of them using the bathroom , they poop when they need to they pee when they need to.... chances of a bird pooping in your face whiles its hitting u .... slim to none

Rubbish, Have you never seem a bird fly into a window and shit itself?? I have and they do! Wish I could have been there to seen it OP and if I did I am sorry but I would have laughed my ass off at you. But FYL indeed.

You two have the same profile picture, so it looks like you're talking to yourself. XD

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Is it wrong that I feel worse for the bird? -_- Pay attention to where you're walking, OP. FYL, because that would probably hurt a lot.