By overlandparkmommie - 14/05/2009 21:09 - United States

Today, I was so totally stressed out at work that I took my car into the park and reclined my seat and shut my eyes. Soon I noticed the soothing sounds of raindrops on my car and I felt a little better for once. I opened my eyes to see that a bunch of birds had crapped all over my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 480
You deserved it 3 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha. Oh wow. At least it was on your car and not on you.

Cheatx 0

Next time bring a dart gun, shoot one down, and take a nice man size crap on it.


ok #1 WTF aww we're soo sorry mommy and daddy never got you a car..or you never decided to get off your lazy ass and get one for yourself..or maybe you're just one of those tree hugger wacko environmentalists that believes everybody should just ride bikes.. besides how can someone deserve getting bird shitted on?? i hope you get f**kEd one day riding your bike or crossing the street. we'll see who deserves it then... by the wAY, YEAH this was a pointless FML post cuz that shit is nature and its just ******* bird shit..get over it

I took /my car/ on /my car/ all over /my car/. I don't even care how old this post is. Are you an idiot?

Smiley_Alexa 2

#38 No honey , are YOU an idiot? Their comment was for #1 not the OP.

That's not an FML at all. Maybe if it was a convertible with the top down it would be worse. This is nothing. Wash the damn car, you'll be a couple of pounds out of pocket but other than that, nothing about this story is FML.

Julle_fml 0

I guess you're just having one of those days...

ch_kisama 0

it would have been a better fml, if your sun roof was open, or a homeless guy was peeing on your.

MiSzOhSoFr3Sh 0

thiS iSnt what i wOuLd CaLL a FML ... ive heard & Seen SOme Crazy Other things. yOur LuCky. TruSt. i wOuLd rather have the bird pOOp on ma car then On me .

#1 - give it up, the hippies lost, now do what your parents did... Get a job. You are one of those hipster douches that whines about this and that and uses the word 'green' in every sentence and have no idea what you are saying. Smoke a clove and STFU.

This is an FML because of the irony this guy just wanted to relax and then, just as he was feeling good, he got shit all over his car really, does anybody like getting shit on them or their belongings? I don't think so ok, this isn't the worst thing that could of happened, but it still sucks I bet a lot of you people get pissed off if one bird craps on your car, so before you judge, put yourself in that guys position