By annoyed - 20/02/2013 20:33 - United States - Paradise Valley

Today, I was so exhausted that I slept through my phone ringing, and later my doorbell ringing. My psycho mom freaked out, and thinking I was in trouble, broke a window to get inside. This all happened before 7 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 186
You deserved it 2 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the hell does these sorts of things? That's one crazy mother you've got OP! Make sure you give her the bill for replacing the window while you're at it.

The good news is your mom really cares about you. The bad news, you're right, she's pyscho.


Sounds like my mother. If I miss her call after the first couple of rings, she will flip out and think something crazy is happening to me... Like... She once thought her boyfriend was wanting to rape me, and we were only fishing, and she was the one who left. So I feel you. Psycho mothers are a pain in the ass.

RicanGata91 7

Wow ha yea that's a bit extreme but be very lucky to have a mother who cares so much that she will go far enough to make sure your safe,and for ya other comments being negative towards his mother not cool! Don't talk about any ones mother unless u know them! And keep it respectful..

I'm sorry but unless OP works morning shift and is up at that time she needs to just let it be! I work 2nd shift and don't go to bed till 3 sometimes 4am. If someone, mother or not, smashed my window at 7am because I didn't answer my phone, I would be pissed and probably in jail!

Satoaoi 13

that's some real extra good over protection you got going on there

token_blackguy 18

Better then her breaking into your house and stealing from you for meth money!

Shorty777 4

I would rather have my mom act like that than have her not give a damn.

It was a little early but if something had happened you would have been so very grateful for your psycho mom to save you.

spartanMKIV 9

looks like someone needs to have the boundaries talk with their mom