By Numbnuts - 08/03/2010 03:08 - United States

Today, I was really bored and decided to annoy my mom while she was doing the dishes. I walked up behind her, touched her shoulder, and said "Poke". She then donkey kicks me straight in the nuts saying "Kick". I know now to never bug my mom when she's in a bad mood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 324
You deserved it 38 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Daerauko 0

good, stop irritating people

If you're that bored, how about helping your mom with the dishes instead of being an ass?


Holy overreaction. I'd be tempted to smash her in the head with a frying pan. "Bam".

InCaged_Insanity 0

Aww snick are you upset because your mom disowned you for being a whiny bitch?

jetspec1802 0

Your mom rocks like Taco Bell's $5 box. Damn, I'm hungry.

ydi for ******* with your mom. learn some respect. that is why parents need to beat their kids. kids nowadays have no respect for anything. if parents would beat their kids, we wouldnt see all these young kids killing/impregnating each other.

bugmenotmofo 34

Big words for someone apparently stuck in the 20th century. Drawing the line between "spanking" and beating is pretty subjective. What you think is reasonable, others may think abusive. I don't understand how you could think it's alright to strike children, as long as it's done in a particular manner.

It's disrespectful to be slightly frivolous with one's mother? What detached lives many people here seem to live from their parents! Family stems 'familiar', y'know.

the pain goes away?? do us all a favor and never have children. Spanking is abuse, period!! children do not deserve to be hit for any reason. By doing this you are teaching them that when someone doesn't listen to you it's ok to hit them. efff I hate stupid people like you

And I hate people like you MissRaiin. The point of abuse is to hurt a child. The point of spanking is for the child to learn to associate temporary discomfort with a negative action. If you work with kids you can always tell: the ones who get spanked or other effective forms of discipline are well behaved, the ones that don't have this disgusting sense of entitlement and are little monsters. So when you have children safe to say they will be brats because the trend in this day and age is coddling and it's producing horrible children.

^ i hate stupid people like u who think that Kids should be boxed in and have everything wrapped in bubble wrap. By not smacking a child u teach them that they can get away with things. A child does not know what ur saying when u berate them for doing something wrong. And the corner is not even a punishment. Smacking sends a real message and teaches the child something! BEATING on the other hand is use of excessive force and taking out ur emotions on the child. That bad. But everykid needs to be smacked!

koco4 0

Are you serious!? So you should hit (which is the same as spank) your kids everytime they do something wrong?? you would resort to violence and lose control before trying to correct the problem. The only thing spanking does is cause the child to fear the parents not respect them. The child will only do the right thing to prevent themselves from being hit, not because it's the right thing to do.

Spanking does not cause the child to fear the parents, I was spanked and I certainly never feared my parents. Children are not born with a sense of "the right thing to do", it's not something natural it's something cultural and it needs to be taught. If you're losing control as in losing your temper and hitting your child that's not discipline that's just taking out anger on your child. If you use spanking as discipline it's a reasonably way to get a child to learn.

all I can do is laugh. your comment is foolish. spanking actually does hurt children. it's proven...are you educated in this? if not stfu there are plenty of ways to disapline children without hitting them. children should not think it's ok to hit people just because someone is "not listening" I have children, two boys actually who are not brats, not out of control and they DO listen. funny how that works and yet they have never been spanked

Yes I am educated in this, and I never said spanking was the only option I said it was a reasonable option. The hurt involved is not in any way damaging. Maybe your idea of spanking is someone wailing on a child with an open palm but that's not what it is and spanking doesn't harm the child in any way. I also never said it was because the child was not listening, clearly if you slap your child because they aren't paying attention that's wrong. I said spanking is a disciplinary action that helps a child learn what is bad while they are still too young to grasp the higher concepts of "right" and "wrong".

bugmenotmofo 34

So does a slap, but if an FML user was to slap you across the face, suddenly it would be "battery," rather than a constructive learning experience, wouldn't it?

That's illogical. 1) The face is a very sensitive area and I don't know anyone who would advocate slapping on the face as discipline, and 2) since you failed to succeed at reading I'll repeat it here: the point of spanking is for the child to associate a bad action with a bad result before they are old enough to understand right and wrong as concepts on their own.

Snickers, you're right for once. except for the fact that this is th 21st century. Not the 19th. lol, failure.

@142, so now your Spock? "that's illogical." I think even Spock would disagree with you, dumbass. My mom was born with self-discipline and knowledge of right and wrong. She was never spanked. I've never resorted to violence for anything and have never been grounded, NOR HAVE I BEEN SPANKED. my cousins are spanked, but they constantly break rules. On PURPOSE even!! So why don't you learn a little something about children and spanking then come back here.

buttshapedfruit 0

I'm suprised you didn't touch upon the split infinitive.

donkey kick in return from your donkey punch