By jkass - 07/10/2011 15:07 - Australia

Today, I was pulled over by the police. The cop was my ex-boyfriend. He had no legitimate reason to pull me over, so he thoroughly checked my car. He gave me a defect notice and a fine. What for? A broken door lock, on my rear passenger door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 381
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report his bacon ass! He shouldn't abuse his power

Jujubilee 1

Isn't that unlawful harassment? If you can prove you had a relationship and he's bitter, you should sue him and the city! Cha-ching!!! $$$


BikeAllDay818 6
punkygg 0

Someone doesn't know their rights as a citizen and it sucks tht we have ignorant cops on the job

ndnpride88 25

That ticket should be an easy fix. For a broken lock. I call bull sh*t

a cop has to have reasonable suspicion to pull you over. im sure you can get that thrown out in court as well as get him in trouble by calling his superiors.

I don't know if you have this in australia but in canada you can go to court and appeal your ticket if you don't agree with it. even if you don't get it taken away, a lot of the time the amount you have to pay will still get reduced.

shoulda ate his penis to get out of the ticket

Challenge the fine and report him. Can't they not search your car unless you let them (unless they have a warrant)?