By ziggers10 - 07/04/2013 03:19 - United States

Today, I was proposed to, under the condition that I "get thin" first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 046
You deserved it 9 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That proposal deserves nothing more than rejection. You deserve nothing less than the best.

thelinlinx3 10


deet124 11

Screw'em I like girls with padding :D

tell him only if he makes his dick bigger

Well, you can't really change the size of your dick.

do you think **** stars are naturally sixteen inches with a dead weight of 15 pounds? no, they get it pumped full of silicone. :p

So I guess no one else is tired of seeing this retort about dick size every time some guy makes a slight against a female on here. It's on the top ten for phrases that belong with 'dump him'.

When guys stop being dicks, everyone will stop making comments about them.

yes you can, you can use a pump for a temporary fix or surgery.

Sorry, but I'm not aware there's a surgery that wouldn't cause severe complications. Silicone injections for a penis is different than breast implants.

Just so you know, there are possible severe complications from breast implant surgery as well. Aside from them rupturing, you can also get capsular contracture.

every surgery can have complications, doesn't mean that people won't do it

Exactly. I've had brain surgery and four major orthopedic surgeries. I had bad complications from the brain surgery, which resulted in a life long bone disease (making me need the orthopedic surgeries), and with one of the other ones, causing my shoulder to dislocate several times a day for a couple years. I still don't hesitate before getting surgery. Complications come with the territory. Maybe a different situation because I'd have died without the brain surgery, but I still agree to get the rest because I know they'll make me happier/feel better in the long run. If people with breast/penis implant surgeries feel mentally better after, all the power to them.

You should leave him. If he really loved you, your weight wouldn't bother him that much unless it was seriously affecting your health and this probably isn't the case here, he obviously just wants a trophy wife on his arm. You can do better, OP. A lot better!

Sounds like something my boyfriend would say. He's always giving me crap about my weight, I'm a lil chubby but not huge. I don't know why some men expect all women to be stick figures.

If he's making you feel like shit for how you look, drop him like a hot potato. That sounds like borderline emotional abuse, imo. Nobody should be made to feel ugly by the people who are supposed to love them the most.

Trust me when I say that this is only the beginning of a trend that will get much, much worse. It sounds like he's bringing you down so that you don't think you deserve better treatment and will accept his increasingly abusive and neglectful behavior.

I wouldnt even say anything, I'd just pack my stuff and leave... Stuff him, he sounds like a shallow wanker.

Gotta fit into that dress OP! Okay, that was just straight out rude of me. But seriously, you deserve way better than that, FYL

He was probably joking. But that's just ridiculous. Some guys don't know what they're saying

Everyone knows exactly what they're saying. Being a guy is no excuse, just like being on your period isn't an excuse to be a bitch.

trav_o 8

True, but try explaining that to the rest of america.

simplysarcastics 26

If they can't accept you how you are now, then they are not worthy to be your fiance