Furry family

By crazy dog lady - 02/11/2020 02:02 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got evicted for having too many dogs. She expects me to let her and all 5 dogs live in my one-bedroom apartment. When I told her no, that I’d get evicted too, she said that should be a sacrifice I’m willing to make for “our family” if I really loved her. They aren’t even my dogs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 481
You deserved it 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kind of emotional manipulation is cringe worthy.

I love dogs but, run. Run fast! Nobody needs that kind of manipulation.


no, no they're not. him and his girlfriend aren't even family yet. plus who in their right mind would get themselves evicted for dogs that aren't theirs?

Bitches be crazy! If you really loved her, you'd have bought a house with a big yard for "your family."

xxlk4xx 6

I would have said no too! I'm not a fan of even one dog let alone 5 lol

Nope. Wrong answer. Yes, 5 is too many dogs, but zero is too few. The correct answer is 2 -- the optimal number of dogs is 2. Thanks for playing.

That kind of emotional manipulation is cringe worthy.

I love dogs but, run. Run fast! Nobody needs that kind of manipulation.

Run. Run fast, run far. The fact that she couldn't figure out that she would evicted if she got 5 dogs is a big red light.

Yummi_913 18

She's immature on SO MANY levels wtf.

DoctorPALO 14

Did you not know about 5 dogs? She most definitely deserves it. Where does she think you'll all live if you get evicted, too? Does she have parents or siblings who could take some of the dogs? I appreciate it if they are rescue dogs, but part of being a responsible pet owner is having adequate living arrangements.