By creedonfied - 06/11/2012 20:27 - United States - Billerica

Today, I was playing with my cat. I tried to put him on my stomach, but he refused to stay put. Ever since I lost weight, he won't lay with me or purr. I think my fat was the only thing he liked about me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 2 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My cat refuses to sit on my lap, but he climbs on my mum's stomach and chest and sits on them because she's fat lol.

yessy729 0

Am I the only one that read 'pussy' first?


graphicstyle7 17

Time to replace the kitty with a person... I'm sure THEY would appreciate your new size!

Actually if you lost a lot of weight this can change your chemical makeup. You smell different! It might take a moment for some animals to adjust to your new smell.

My cat, Omorose, is only affectionate when she's in heat. I hate to think of how she'll act after I get her spayed. :/

noisebox 1

Try putting a pillow on your belly or a blanket then put your cat on top. I know my Chihuahua got all fussy when my mom lost all her weight because her lap was no longer big and cushiony for him to lay on. So instead he'd just go back to me. I'm curious if he'll act the same when I lose the rest of my weight.

crazy4uboi 6

It's not cats aren't very intelligent and they are color blind so they determine who you are by using their instinct and scent is usually one your cat apparently recognized you by the way you felt when he laid on you. So basically he doesn't hate you he just doesn't recognize you.

Whitemamba12 6

Ok ignore the people saying that cats are dumb, cats are extremely smart even more so then dogs ( hate to break the news to you dog fans but while dogs are "smarter" in terms of wanting to learn, cats have more neurons and more raw intelligence then canines, the reason they don't appear as loyal is because they're independent not pack animals like dogs. they are still loyal though if I play rough with my dog my cat will attack him ( my cat is 14 pounds but my husky is 70) if attacking something with a 56 pound weight advantage isn't loyal then idk what is. Most likely your fat was comfortable which was why he liked it and now your stomach in uncomfortable simple as that don't take it personally. btw 129 cats ARE NOT color blind :)

That sounds like one of them good problems.

Congradulations on losing weight! Don't worry. Your cat just isn't use to the change yet. It will get over it eventually. My cat wouldn't rub her cheek against my face for over a month when I got contacts. Apparently she liked the feeling of my glasses more than my face lol.