Almost done

By Anonymous - 16/01/2020 05:00

Today, as I was trying to have some “self pleasure” time, my cat, WHO NEVER CUDDLES WITH ME, decides to come up and sit on my thigh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 890
You deserved it 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Crystal Stark 3

Ya know... it’s okay, one time, I was using my vibrator, my cat snuck in the room and jumped on the bed and attacked it. I never felt so much shame ahahahaha. Ruined the whole mood


Who masturbates with their pet in the room? YDI

EmDizzle2007 28

"Today, as I was trying to have some “self pleasure” time." This isn't even a full sentence.

Crystal Stark 3

Ya know... it’s okay, one time, I was using my vibrator, my cat snuck in the room and jumped on the bed and attacked it. I never felt so much shame ahahahaha. Ruined the whole mood

i8cake 12

because your pet knows it's better with a pussy

Fickle 6
jamielouwho 6

My roommates cat did that to me and I kicked her in the face 😂

Probably your cat was hungry because it was sausage time 🤣🤣🤣