By LizLiao - 14/04/2009 07:50 - United States

Today, I was running down the hallway when a door opens and hits me right on the face. I'm sitting there with my nose bleeding and a huge bump forming on my head. The guy who comes out is hugely fat, tries to help me up, trips, and falls on me. I accidentally groped his moobs while trying to push him off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 871
You deserved it 7 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

420hiadventurer 0

That sucks, but next time pay more attention and don't run down the hallway or at least not right next to the walls where you can get hit by doors. Soy la primera persona!!!


420hiadventurer 0

That sucks, but next time pay more attention and don't run down the hallway or at least not right next to the walls where you can get hit by doors. Soy la primera persona!!!

pingpongpickle 8

at least he didn't fart on you. (moobs!!) am I 100??

sk8rchick97 0

NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS..... common sense here... juss sayin(:

...... And why were you running....? Sorry you deserved that one..

what you can't run? so when ever I run I expect getting hit by a door and sat on by a fat bastard

HairyPunisher 27

The exact words were "running down the hallway." I think OP deserved it. You should never run indoors.

I'm sure OP knows that now. Some things you have to learn the hard way. I did too. Lost my two front teeth that way (luckily at an age where I still got a second chance). And I didn't even have the excuse that the door suddenly opened. It was open the whole time and I just didn't see it.

I'm sure that's the closest he's ever gonna get.

Is this an FML because of moob action, or because you got hit by a door/sat on by a fat dude?

that_guy01 0

I wanted to say YDI for running, but who the designs a building with doors that open into hallways? Design Fail.

Amanyyyyyy 29

A lot of buildings have them, actually. Apparently having them open inside can be a fire hazard or something. But if you ask me it's still dangerous because people can still get hit by them...

elemenopyqrstuv 0

didn't you ever learn not to run in the halls?

Thorr_fml 0

#8 Most doors open into hallways, it's a safety precaution in case of a fire (if you're in a burning room chances are your first instinct is to push the door open to get to the hallway to escape). To the OP: Don't run down halls. Especially don't do it in range of opening doors. He was trying to be nice helping you up, don't be a stuck up little brat.

The only rooms in my school where the doors open into the hallway are the teacher's lounge and the office... clever bastards.