But he's only 5

By Anonymous - 18/12/2019 05:00

Today, I was playing with my 5 year-old neighbor. I was changing and he saw me naked. Then he went home and his parents came over. Apparently, he told them that I have beautiful boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 753
You deserved it 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At 5, he probably hasn't seen many boobs so we don't know if his opinion carries much weight. You can send me a pic, and I'll render my professional opinion.

manb91gb 15

Why the **** were you changing with him in such close proximity? Also, these 'games' sound like you belong on a register... If you were a dude you would have been arrested within hours!


manb91gb 15

Why the **** were you changing with him in such close proximity? Also, these 'games' sound like you belong on a register... If you were a dude you would have been arrested within hours!

Calm down! You can’t call someone a pedo because a kid saw her changing. Kids walk in on ppl changing all the time. She didn’t give a lot of detail so you don’t know what happened. How does a 5 year old child know about a breast? He’s 5.. and said “beautiful” boobs? Either this is BS or parents need to have a talk with the kid

What the hell? So in the middle of playing you decide to take all your clothes off and change? Where he could see you? ydi

At 5, he probably hasn't seen many boobs so we don't know if his opinion carries much weight. You can send me a pic, and I'll render my professional opinion.

Mungolikecandy 19

Why were you changing in a position where your neighbours child could see you naked?

mccuish 25

People assume the worst. Kid could have followed her into the room. She may have left a door cracked because leaving a five year old to their own devices can sometimes end in chaos. I’m not even a parent and can see about 30 scenarios where this could happen accidentally.

Wadlaen 23

Well, a compliment is a complement - and most males that will evaluate your boobs will have far more time from actual breastfeeding experience, so that's probably also as close to a professional/connoisseur evaluation you will come😜

EmDizzle2007 28

this is mad suspect. given that the fml staff gets so snippy about us calling these posts out on their fishy-ness, I'm wondering if the entire staff isn't just making these up and just can't take criticism. sure, we could chalk this up to the character limit keeping them from telling us the whole story and they left out some key bullet points, but to choose to change behind an open or unlocked door with a kid nearby (especially one that isn't related to you) seems like something you'd avoid. since you have boobs developed enough to be "beautiful", you're old enough to be held responsible for your action. don't @ me, FML staff.

Wait. Are you suggesting that people would lie? On the internet???

EmDizzle2007 28
rotflqtms_ 21

If you were playing with him, why did you need to change? And why not away from view? Honestly, if you're old enough to have beautiful boobs, you're old enough not to change in front of that kid. I don't understand why you had to get naked while playing with him. Maybe next time go to the bathroom to change or somewhere else with a locked door. If he were my kid, I'd come over too to figure out why you were naked anywhere near my 5 year old son... and to figure out what kind of sick stuff you were trying to do to my poor kid.

I feel like there's more to the story that we need to know about