By anon - 04/06/2009 11:35 - United States

Today, I was performing in an orchestra concert. My stand partner and I commented on people in the audience the whole time, saying how fat they were, etc. Towards the end of the concert, I realized we were sitting right by a microphone, and the whole audience could hear us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 085
You deserved it 103 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vcjesusfreak 0

It is incredibly unprofessional to talk at all during a concert, you completely deserved that.

jncwmnd 0

let me need to say rude things about other people to feel better about your appearance..YDI


That's totally bullshit. Unless you're in a philharmonic orchestra, no one would hear it.... Unless you screamed it. I played in LISFA.... I would know.

LysssNysss 1

At my friend's play, when he got off the stage at the end of the scene, he was like, "**** (our principal's name)!!!" next to a microphone. It was a Catholic school, and the principal is a nun.

As much as YDI, I would have loved to be in the audience so I could laugh at what you were saying.

whosryanlord 0

How did you have time to talk while performing? Why the help would you chit chat during such? And how did you not hear your voices being played loudly through a sound system? I'm thinking fake. Or you have an IQ of 40.

STVader 0

I'm with 45, there's no way you wouldn't notice your voice bouncing off the walls of the auditorium if it were really that loud. Come on, when you speak into a microphone you can hear the difference.

I don't get why people feel the need to talk about other people. It's not like their size is hurting you so why does it matter. It's not your business.

Milly_fml 0

Irony effects assholes too you know. YDI.

LysssNysss 1

#58, some auditoriums have walls with things in it so you can't hear it bouncing off the walls. It's to cut out echoes.