By anon - 04/06/2009 11:35 - United States

Today, I was performing in an orchestra concert. My stand partner and I commented on people in the audience the whole time, saying how fat they were, etc. Towards the end of the concert, I realized we were sitting right by a microphone, and the whole audience could hear us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 085
You deserved it 103 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vcjesusfreak 0

It is incredibly unprofessional to talk at all during a concert, you completely deserved that.

jncwmnd 0

let me need to say rude things about other people to feel better about your appearance..YDI


chanchito 0

Mybad. ; that's rude, YDI u totally deserved

fatfaceunited 0

I hope the fat people sat on you

fylfmlfylfml 0


And now everyone knows what a horrible idiot you are. Sucks to be you.

blue_mandie4 0

You deserve it, but I don't really believe that you couldn't hear yourself on the speakers!

so, how can you say you were part of the orchestra/performance when all you did was sit there and talk? either you're part of the game, or you're not in this case, you clearly weren't

Meh, fat people should be told they're fat. F their lives for being fat.

This is a display of stupidity on many levels. 1) Talking during a performance? How very unprofessional of you. 2) You didn't think to check the location of any mics before you started talking? and 3) How did you not notice your voices over the speakers?!? I'm calling BS for a few reasons - I don't believe you could have gone the majority of the performance without you or someone else hearing your voices broadcast and telling you to shut up, or having someone turn off that mic.