By Anonymous - 02/03/2011 21:26 - United States

Today, I was out skating with a guy I really like. I put on my best moves, to impress him. I ended up slicing his lip open with my skate mid-jump. His lip is now wired shut by twelve stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 897
You deserved it 36 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

as an EX figure skater. why the hell was his face that close to your blade.

memo619 0

I'm pretty sure you impressed him he never saw it coming


QFT! A little boob action > anything else...

Even sammich making? I'm so confused :( in sexist school i was told that's the most important!!!

as an EX figure skater. why the hell was his face that close to your blade.

briidontgive_ 0

Eexxacctly what I was thinkin

haha, me too. Unless his face was planted on the ice or you have some epic moves where you can jump pretty high, it is a bit strange. unless he is a little person, then that may be an exception.

rique2008 10

yeah i dont get how she couldve gotten that close with her blade in a jump, maybe a spin i would belive, because i know people that have been hit by spins and had to go to the ER, but if you can cut a persons face mid-jump then you really need to work on your air position. or better yet, just stay on the wall and let the guy try to impress you

SarahStarzz 0

wow that's way u get 4 acting all kool next time just be urself ....(if there will be a next time)

tweetbaby14 18

most people on FML don't know what it is to be themselves.

gaarraa11 3

Oh there will be a next time she just has to not wear so much :D

memo619 0

I'm pretty sure you impressed him he never saw it coming

xGraycloud 4

I imagine you feel terrible. I would... also, why the hell was the blade even close to his face? how does that happen...?

milkndstufff 7

well she obviously is a really "good" skater

zowieandzander77 1

Lip lacerations are not "wired shut".

KingDingALing 9

You owe him a kiss, OP... I'm not talking about a kiss on the lips. Now get down there!

Every1luvsboners is right. Heeey! You aren't Boners! LingLing, it looks like Boners haxored into your account, dude. I'd change your password.

KingDingALing 9

I knew I shouldn't have put password as "IsecretlyloveKaySL"! That was way too obvious. Hmm...I'm going to include you in my next password, Doc. It'll be something along the lines of "Erotic.....Doc....NippleTweaking...furiously humping...kinky" I think you get the point.

LexaDear 0

Agreed with 12. Git im dun.

I was thinking owe him a kiss. if he skated with her he prob wouldnt mind getting a piece of her. although trying to impress like that is pretty low. hope she was very sorry and willing.

xNikkiez 0

Not with that new scar on his lip, there is no forgetting lol.