By you fuckhobbit - 23/12/2012 22:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on my favourite forum when I saw a guy ranting at some pro-lifer fanatic. For fun, I replied "umad bro?" apparently moments after the forum founder also left an angry reply. I'm now banned for a month for "trolling the founder" and all my posts have vanished without a trace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 056
You deserved it 36 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for being "that poster." Cue the "umadbro?" comments.

KingCeltic77 18

This is why trolling is dumb. YDI.


YDI because you referred to someone as a "fanatic" simply because they disagree with you.

Or maybe the person really was a fanatic pro-lifer and not a moderate one? You know, like a Westboro Baptist Church type as opposed to a regular Christian? You seem to be incredibly insecure and willing to defend the most awful people just because they happen to share your same basic belief. But hey, judge not lest ye be judged, eh?

I really don't see the humor/fun in trolling.

Umadbro? God people need to learn to take jokes

80skid 15

Somehow I think your life will go on.

YDI for using Reddit. Don't try and say it wasn't.

Don't bag all of reddit out over it, it's not their fault a decent amount of members are try hard twats

I am almost positive this is an old FML that you just rewrite.. Or is this just me?

i'm gonna laugh my ass off if the founder of that forum ever sees this fml

So now you get a life instead of spending it on forums. The end!

Good, the internet could use less people like that