By you fuckhobbit - 23/12/2012 22:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on my favourite forum when I saw a guy ranting at some pro-lifer fanatic. For fun, I replied "umad bro?" apparently moments after the forum founder also left an angry reply. I'm now banned for a month for "trolling the founder" and all my posts have vanished without a trace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 056
You deserved it 36 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for being "that poster." Cue the "umadbro?" comments.

KingCeltic77 18

This is why trolling is dumb. YDI.


it's just like any other forum. you piss the developer off your screwed, & also others always thumbs up (kiss ass) on every comment they leave, no matter how dumb their post is. sry, just the facts.

and here you have it folks: the facts, plain && simple. (and also in english!)

#51. glad to see that you pointed that out genius.

stewpididiot 11

YDI for still using the phrase "umad bro?".

Shadow_Phantom 26

I would try talking to a moderator about it... ya never know.

Well some people just get butthurt very easy.

agreed...been there, been on the receiving end of it as well...

winkydog4056 16

Banning for a month for trolling: harsh, vanishing posts: sucks, your post name: priceless

Maybe email the founder, or just use a different forum.