Merry Xmas
By Christmas sucks - 24/12/2012 01:03 - United States - Boston
By Christmas sucks - 24/12/2012 01:03 - United States - Boston
By wjones - 15/12/2009 15:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/12/2022 03:00
By Anonymous - 16/12/2021 02:01
By DarkDisaster - 27/12/2012 10:16 - United States
By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/07/2009 06:58 - Canada
By shaggyberaddy - 05/01/2018 05:00
By Julie - 25/12/2012 03:20 - United States - East Brunswick
By childdreamkiller - 08/12/2011 17:41 - Canada
By Anonymous - 25/12/2010 07:08 - United States
Wow. I find it amazing how you would know that this exact same thing would happen if you owned a cat.
Don't be hating the cat community.
I'd like to think I speak for all cat owners when I give you the finger. Cats = great. You = not so much.
Here here! I mean meow meow..
Haha I love how all 3 of us have cat pictures and are defending cats so fervently.
It was a must that I joined this cat picture lineup.
Stupid people
@27- hush you, or I shall take an extra large stinky poo in the litter box and smile as you pick it up!!!!
So many cats as profile pictures in these reply comments...
Aww I don't have a cat profile pic,I feel so uncool now :(
Lol! Should've checked back sooner. Ahaha.
It's why I don't put up a tree. That and I live in a tiny apartment.
This close to the actual holiday, I don't think it matters much.
hiding in the living room to wrap presents? you have no kids and you are a crazy cat lady, don't lie.
Well, now you wont have to hear the legendary Christmas -urprise scream of children.
Oh crap the children are uprising we're all doomed
What is your username about missy! Christmas doesn't suck! BLASPHEMY
Well I hope you have a wonderful Christmas anyway. Merry Xmas everyone on FML! Xxxxxoxox
New Years resolution "Buy a better tree stand". Or put the cat on a diet, whatever works for you.
Not all of us ******* want to be skinny. Don't be all judging up a ******* grill. Merry Xmas!!
This close to the actual holiday, I don't think it matters much.
Wow. I find it amazing how you would know that this exact same thing would happen if you owned a cat.