By you fuckhobbit - 23/12/2012 22:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on my favourite forum when I saw a guy ranting at some pro-lifer fanatic. For fun, I replied "umad bro?" apparently moments after the forum founder also left an angry reply. I'm now banned for a month for "trolling the founder" and all my posts have vanished without a trace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 056
You deserved it 36 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for being "that poster." Cue the "umadbro?" comments.

KingCeltic77 18

This is why trolling is dumb. YDI.


Seriously? You're bitching about being kicked off a fourm. OMG! How are you going to spend your time now?

Im with OP... to everyone else, grow up

Right, because the OP's tendency to taunt strangers on the internet shows he's so much more mature than the rest of us.

379_fml 11

Since when is something like this so important in your life that it becomes a fml?

this is the dumbest FML ever. Why was this even published?

Thats reddit for you. Mods get butthurt and swing the ban hammer.

This sounds familiar. There's a similar one from May but that one, OP was banned for a harmless correction, not being a dick like this guy.

That's why you always reference the person your comment was aimed at, so crap like that doesn't happen.

The phrase "umadbro" is only acceptable when you're trying to start a fight. OR On a political forum with a throw away account to watch the poly sci majors have seizures and spend two hours writing a 5 page response to your 3 words. Not that I've ever done that.