Gonna need some context

By Anonymous - 07/05/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, I was banned by 3 cross stitch designers, all because I stood up to bullying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 685
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's quite a yarn! Tell us more, we're sitting on pins and needles.


That's quite a yarn! Tell us more, we're sitting on pins and needles.

Were you trying to get them to design a "Anti-vaxxers are being bullied!" sampler?

far more details are needed to understand what's going on but if they're really bullying you call that shit out on social media

I must admit, I let this one through hoping OP would supply some context, but just trying to imagine the situation by extrapolating the minimal info is kinda fun.

Don't string us along! Tie up the loose ends to this thread!

wrenavery90 12