By imsorrytimmy - 02/04/2009 15:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on MSN with my friend and my 9 year old brother. My friend asked me for some advice about how to give a guy a good blowjob. I went into great detail, and then realised that I had typed it to the wrong window. I gave my little brother tips on how to perform fellatio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 949
You deserved it 114 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I just don't get why you would be talking to your 9 year old brother on MSN. I think that's the real FML out of that situation.

Eh, don't worry, everybody gets that talk sooner or later. My dad taught me when I was 8, so no worry.


I mix up windows all the time. It sucks when im rping and stuff and i send the response to the wrong person. So awkward

When I first read this I felt sorry for the child. Then I saw the username and for some reason burst into laughter.

Could you tell me I could use that information