By nemo518 - 23/12/2010 06:36 - Canada

Today, I was naked on top of my boyfriend looking lovingly into his eyes. He then started to use my boobs as punching bags while singing "Eye of the Tiger". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 128
You deserved it 9 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

So what? Every intimate encounter of your life will not be romantic. If you can't learn to appreciate the playful times, you're going to have serious difficulty hanging on to a boyfriend.

KingDingALing 9

You should do the same thing with his balls, OP.


SexiShay615 0

haha! r u boobs that saggy??? lol

metman510 0

That has to suck what was your reaction?

mic0105 0

today, while having sex with my boyfriend he likes to play with my boobs and then punched them pretty hard and said "boom boom pow that chick is jackin my styl" (black eyed peas(boom boom pow))

Uugghh I feel for ya! My boyfriend does that kinda shit all the time!

Chaosinferno 4

you should have done the same to his face