By johnsj8 - 17/03/2011 15:11

Today, I was moving to the city with all my belongings when the trailer came unhitched, breaking the chains on my dad's homemade trailer. I then watched as the trailer narrowly missed a guardrail, went down a hill and into a river. My dad still won't admit he didn't latch the hitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 251
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Decodedman 1

That sucks. Next time, when its your shit on the line, check the line.

ulicksam 0

OP, you're driving. It's your responsibility to check it. You're not living with mommy and daddy anymore. Time to take responsibility for yourself.


jordanprodigy023 0

OP I'm sorry to hear this. You should now proceed to slap your daddy

What kind of chains were you using that would just snap? were they home made too rofl

Well, aren't you the lucky fellow? Suppose if you wanna look at the optimistic side of things at least no one was hurt.

jrsgreenfire257 0
Decodedman 1

That sucks. Next time, when its your shit on the line, check the line.

Agreed. Stop blaming your dad for something you should have done anyway.

you should pour boiling macaroni on him... that always works for me. :D

Your macaroni joke is NOT FUNNY!!! Let it go and move on.

7 please calm yourself. I will only continue to use it as long as it gets to people like you.

I hope they get moderated because you really are beginning to get annoying posting the same comments. :)

Whenever I think of macaroni I think of spooning in the front yard. And believe it or not there's actually a story behind that. :D Have to have loved my senior year.

you should poor boiling macaroni on him... that always works for me. :D

r6_fml 4

I think you should rich boiling macaroni on him

r6_fml 4

Awww, the mods fixed it. Well ****...

ulicksam 0

OP, you're driving. It's your responsibility to check it. You're not living with mommy and daddy anymore. Time to take responsibility for yourself.

Hmm... maybe she still was until she got out of the driveway

Did you ever consider perhaps the op does not know how to properly latch up a trailor to a vehicle?

Then google how or ask somebody that knows. That isn't your father.

boatkicker 4

It doesn't say OP was driving anywhere in it. That said, if all of OP's belongings were in it, OP still should have double checked, especially when the phrase "homemade trailer" got added into it.

I was movin to the city and I ask daddy I'm like daddy y'all hitched that trailer right? So daddy says yeah I hitched that trailer don't tell me I didn't hitch no trailer! Didn't have no time to keep on him about cause we was gonna be late or Jerry springer see and momma was gonna be on tonight. Haha I can see it playing out like that.

jonan1212 5

lol I'm watchin jerry springer now

sailorzoe 14

18 = win. The male ego has caused the male population of FML to jump on you for that one remark.

don't even get us started on female egos. It's a truth they can't handle.

81 you fail. you must be 12, because only twelve year olds have this undying obsession with their mother. why? because they're 12 and their mommy is their world. but you would already know that.

r6_fml 4

#87 is kind of a bitch. All he said was "your mom" and off she goes. Somebody needs to stop commenting when their aunt flow is in town.

dear 92, it's called sarcasm. before judging what I say please go read my other comments so you don't look as stupid. love, MissBunny25

You better duck 92. something hot might be flying at your face.

persianjr1 7
r6_fml 4

No, sarcasm would be more like "nice comeback #81". Every comment you make is so ******* stupid. How do you diagnose a mommy obsession from two words? Besides, he said "YOUR mom" not his mom, so unless he's your bro, he wasn't talking about his own mom. Way to perpetuate the "dumb blonde" stereotype. Just finish your coloring book sweetheart.

Sorry, but there was no sarcasm in that sentence, moron. Getting angry and insulting someone online is nowhere close to sarcasm, no matter how much you wish you could brush it off as that.

Some people don't like to admit that they did something wrong. It sucks Fyl op.