Happy Birthday, Sweaty

By jezebel - 17/03/2011 14:43 - United States

Today, I got a call from the office telling me I was fired. When I asked why, my boss explained my mother called and told him I was in a "weak mental state." She thought she was helping me get off for my birthday. Now I have no job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 732
You deserved it 3 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd tell them your mom has no say in the matter, if they don't offer you your job back then tell them it's illegal to fire you based on something your relative says if that fails, file a complaint with the dol

Just explain to your boss that your mom is in a weak mental state.


BeautyMonster 17

Afaik a place of employment can't just fire you over that, even if you had issues like that, they should do what they can do to help. I would fight that.

scottovious 0

"At Will" employment means an employer can dismiss an employee for any non-discrimination cause (legal) or no cause at all.

perdix 29

And firing someone for a disability is considered discrimination according to the ADA. Firing someone for having a lying, meddling mom who hassles their kid's boss is OK, though.

Good thing we get to pick and choose our parents. At least you'll be off for your bday though. Lucky...!

the fact that they were fired for that seems a bit far fetched. every single job I've ever had has had a probationary period, where you either cut it or you don't. After that probationary period your place of employment would need a hell of a lot more than your mom calling in making up lies to fire you. Now I don't know the facts, maybe they were hires a few days ago, who knows.

luke1998 0

miss bunny you know jessica ur blond buddy thats my sister lol

Wow kid. I'm your sister, you've lived with me since you were born, my names not Jessica. lol.

awhh...OP's mom probably feels horriblee:/

AceArctic 4

It may suck, but now there's so much more room for activities! Like step aerobics! (side note, 94, you're adorable!)

in the words of one of my favorite people on FML... did you punch her?

trey9991 0

Nope. No like button. There's a thumbs up one though!

14 you're mistaken... there is a metaphorical like button. -.- i press it all the time

cptmorgan15 2

This comment was funnier than all the "Did you punch her" comment put together. Way to finally make it funny bunny.

lol u post on like every single FML #1

23 yes that is so. -.- 32 thank you, dear. I try.

xoxchelaxox08 17
CommonSenseKarma 17
nutsackmuscle 0

37 should now grow a beard and kick 34 down a gaint hole. while yelling THIS IS SPARTA.

nutsackmuscle 0

37 I didn't realize you were a miss. I apologize. you should not grow a beard. but still feel free to kick 34 down a hole. (:


Kay, I could have sworn you were male a few days ago...

How does bunny say it? throw boiling macaroni on him:)?

persianjr1 7

only she can say it. she is the one with the maccaroni. lol

what Persian said is true :) however, you can become my apprentice if you want :D I'll teach you all of my macaroni ways.

I'm more profficient with the bow-tie variety

jordanprodigy023 0

I wouldn't talk to mommy for a while if I was you . That's plain mest up

The boss wouldn't have fell for it if the op wasn't at least a lilll bitt messed up. :P or the mom's so messed up he figured it was genetic.. Fyl op.(:

BeautyMonster 17

I'd tell them your mom has no say in the matter, if they don't offer you your job back then tell them it's illegal to fire you based on something your relative says if that fails, file a complaint with the dol

It's not illegal. Once a person uses something wrong mentally or physically as a crutch then it can be grounds to be fired, regardless of who said it.

the way I read it was "mom calls and lies" "kid gets a call, "hey **** off your fired"" as in the kid didn't actually use it to get off work, if s/he did the reason they were terminated was for skipping work

oblio 0

you would not win. in an at will state, your boss can fire you for anything. unless you're in a union, of course.

Just explain to your boss that your mom is in a weak mental state.

There comes the time when mother shoulkd just stop it. And if you actually have a jobs it really is about time for her to do so. O.o **** your life, even though she didn't mean it...but I guess you could try and explain it to your boss, he/she will probably take you back

Yeah, I think it is very unfair her boss fired her. Op's mom should really know when to not get in her business. She should pay for her bills until she gets another job.