By mustanggt - 02/10/2017 10:00 - United States - Utica

Today, I finished a repair on my trailer. About twenty miles down the road, one of the joints gave out and the whole thing broke on the freeway, scattering lumber and splinters everywhere. The traffic cop called me the worst carpenter in the whole state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 759
You deserved it 1 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“And I would know! My capacity as a traffic cop entitles me to judge carpentry. There’s a lot of commonality between noticing how fast somebody is driving and knowing when somebody is a good carpenter. Yep!”

exileonmainst 16

Hey, on the bright side that means there are potentially 49 worse carpenters in the country!


“And I would know! My capacity as a traffic cop entitles me to judge carpentry. There’s a lot of commonality between noticing how fast somebody is driving and knowing when somebody is a good carpenter. Yep!”

Right because there's a rule in society that states that people are only allowed one profession.

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Retard should never be used as an insult.

exileonmainst 16

Hey, on the bright side that means there are potentially 49 worse carpenters in the country!

Lobby_Bee 17

Better stick to wood and leave everything else for other professionals. It's better to be good a one thing, than being an moron in a hundred things.

BasedLink421 2

Sounds like something straight out of a cartoon.

Well, I guess, at least nobody was killed due to your incompetence.

Who wood have guessed? The cop birched at you for a bad repair. Next time you need something fixed, make sure you have a professional tree-ple check your work. It will likely save your ash in the future!